
SPARK Taiwan 計畫係配合生醫產業發展之需求推動,針對欲投入藥物或醫療器材產品開發,或已有研發成果但缺乏商品化概念之研究人員,施予產品開發鏈上包括轉譯、醫療法規、智財與談判、行銷與商業規劃等必要的訓練課程,將此類發展生技人才軟實力的培養課程由學研界開始紮根與培育。

SPARK Taiwan 計畫提供育成團隊與案源全方位之育成及產業化輔導,並輔以投入先期資金協助案源發展。本計畫將培訓課程與產品開發實務運作之能量平行輸入至培訓團隊,預期將能同時達成培育具國際視野之醫藥或醫材產品開發人才與推動案源研發成果轉譯商品化之目標。目前全台共有7間學研機構投入本培訓計畫,包含國立臺灣大學、臺北醫學大學、長庚大學、輔仁大學與清華大學及國立台灣科技大學聯合辦理、中國醫藥大學、國立成功大學及高雄醫學大學,累計已協助五百件以上之生醫案源團隊及超過2700名之學、研、醫界人員進行創新技術價值化及研發成果商品化。


  • 與史丹佛大學合作接軌,引進課程教材與培訓模式,並與受培訓團隊鏈結交流。
  • 區域型重點培訓大學 (Anchor university) 選拔
  • 籌組產業專家顧問團 (industry panel)
  • 定期進行里程碑式審查 (milestone based review)


  • 提供校內配合款 (matching fund),以作為受訓學員團隊執行創新前瞻轉譯加值計畫之經費。
  • 協助SPARK辦公室進行受訓學員暨團隊之徵選、邀約、考核、管理及系列課程之推動。
  • 提供受訓課程執行之師資、場所、設備、支援受訓學員暨團隊進行創新前瞻轉譯加值計畫之核心設施、貴重儀器、專利申請、商業策略及臨床等服務。
  • 整合校內外資源能量,協助培訓團隊進行研發成果加值擴散並帶動周邊生醫轉譯效益。


  • 具初步案源構想或對產品開發有興趣之團隊即可參與徵選
  • 需參與完整培訓,包含定期培訓課程、專家講座、定期案源進度會議等
  • 培訓團隊須達成由管考單位設立之里程碑,方可主動要求進行下階段補助審查
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SPARK Taiwan Program

SPARK Program was launched in accordance with the biotechnology industry development planning. This program aims to provide assistance to those that are in the pharmaceutical industry or the medical device industry with potential products but are lacking in initial commercial planning for entrance into the market. This program includes: translation, medical regulation implementation, intellectual property registry, negotiation, marketing and commercialization planning and training.

SPARK Taiwan cultivates future teams and team projects in preparation for the entrance into the industry. Part of the program is to provide teams with initial funding as a start. The teams will go through training to learn product development methods gaining international view on turning research into products. There are seven anchor universities involved in SPARK Taiwan Program including National Taiwan University, Taipei Medical University, Chang Gung University, Fu Jen University(cooperated with National Tsing Hua University and National Taiwan University of Technology), Chinese Medical University, National Cheng Kung University and Kaohsiung Medical University, executing more than 500 biomedical innovation projects. In addition, more than 2700 persons from universities, research institutions and medical centers participate to carry out the value of bio-innovation and translate the research projects into products.

SPARK Office

  • In collaboration with Stanford University, the training material is introduced to the selected teams and as part of the training the teams are expected to exchange experiences gained during the commercialization process.
  • Anchor university selection
  • Form an industry expert panel
  • Regular milestone based review on project progress.

Regional Anchor University

  • Provide selected teams matching fund as part of "Translation and Promotion Project for Innovation and Exploration".
  • Assist SPARK office in members training and team selection, invitation, assess, manage, and promote training course.
  • Provide training faculties, facilities, equipment, and support for the members and teams under training. Make available core facilities to allow teams’ access to equipment, help in IP application, market strategy, and clinical study/trial assistance.
  • Integrate internal and external resources of the university, assist the selected teams by adding value to their R&D results, and promote economic development of biomedical related industries in surrounding area.


  • People who have an original concept or are interested in product development are qualified as potential candidates for selection.
  • Must complete the training program including the periodic training course, attend expert lectures, and attend regular meetings, etc.
  • Team must fulfill milestones set by the managing organizers to enter into the next round of financial assistance assessments.
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